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Chao-kai Chang, M.D. Wen-Cheng Wu, M.D.
Chin-Pin Chung, M.D. Nan-Yuan Chen, M.D.
*Department of Ophthalmology
Kaohsiung Municipal Women and
Children General Hospital,
Kaohsiung Taiwan, R.O.C.
Department of Ophthalmology,
Kaohsiung Medical College,
Kaohsiung, Taiwan, R.O.C.
Two cases of rhegmatogenous retinal detach-ment was presented, which resulted in shift of the subretinal fluid after pneumatic retinopexy. The shift zone gradually increased and the delay-ed absorption also happened to the fluid of -the shift zone. Case 1 finally gained improvement by the way of scleral buckling; Case 2 lost of following. Because these two cases' condition w-ere similar to "The phenomenon of delayed subr-etinal fluid absorption (D.S.R.F.A.) after succes-sful pneumatic retinopexy" which chan and his associators had reported in 1988; thus we prese-nted the cases in the occasion. |